How to clean the glass on a woodburner
The glass on a woodburner can become obscured from burning wet or resinous wood, especially if you have been slumber burning for long periods, gradually it can get so dirty that you no longer can see the flames, consider that the inside of the flue liner will be in a similar state to the inside of your stove door if it is covered in tar then so is your flue if you regularly have to scrub the glass then you should also be having your chimney swept every three months in use your chimney sweep can advice on this.
The best approach is little and often.
Materials required : Newspaper, water, wood ash and gloves.
Step 1 :
Lay a sheet of newspaper on the hearth under the door.Crumple a sheet for cleaning.
Step 2 :
Wet the crumpled piece of newspaper.
Step 3 :
Dip it in some wood ash. (no smokeless fuel ash this can scratch the glass)
Step 4 :
Get scrubbing recharge your newspaper with ash paste.
Step 5 :
Finish by wiping the paste off the door with a clean piece of paper
For more stubborn stains a good quality ceramic hob cleaner e.g. Hob brite can be used.
Dispose of the damp paper in the bin.
Wood burning – Sweep every three months in use
Smokeless – Sweep every year
Coal – never burn coal in a stove
Wood and smokeless coal-never at the same time burn either one or the other.